Differences in Values, Leadership and Relationships

When two introverts meet each other, chances are high that they will connect to one another emotionally and create a strong, long-lasting bond. That’s what happens with ISFJ and ISFP personalities. These are two types of the 16 personalities of Myers-Briggs

ISFJs and ISFPs share not only Introversion (I) but Observation (S) and Feeling (F) traits as well. The only difference is that ISFJ is a Judging (J) personality, while ISFP is Perceiving (P). Can this small difference be vital to their compatibility? Let’s review ISFH vs ISFP briefly and see how different they are and how they can get along with each other. 

ISFJ: An Overview

ISFJs are hard-working, organized, and enthusiastic people, eager to help others. They are detail-oriented and can easily achieve their goals due to their self-discipline and dedication. They try hard to make sure that everything is done perfectly and nothing is missed. Despite the fact that ISFJ is an introverted personality, they like to be in small groups of people they know but are afraid of general social situations.

ISFJ is also known as “the protector”. Indeed, they try to protect others and help them in all areas of their lives. Observation on this occasion means that they are focused on other’s needs. The fact that ISFJ is practical is probably one of the reasons why they hate abstract concepts. 

ISFJs have the following major four personality traits: Introversion, Observation, Feeling, and Judging. 


ISFP: An Overview

ISFP is a very creative, empathetic, and emotional personality. People of this type tend to be quiet and peaceful, always care about others, and have a simple attitude towards life. Generally, they are loved by other people because they always accept others as they are, without judging their weaknesses and estimating strengths. 

ISFP is also known as “the artist”, mainly due to their creativity. People with this personality type are very rational and practical, follow a hands-on approach, and always try to avoid theoretical discussions that are far from reality. They always consider what others think and take their beliefs into account before making decisions. 

ISFPs have the following major four personality traits: Introversion, Observation, Feeling, and Perceiving. 

How Compatible Are ISFJ and ISFP in Relationships?

ISFP and ISFJ are some of the most matching personalities from Myers-Briggs’ 16 personality types. The reason is that they have three major traits in common. They are both gentle and quiet people who are absolutely dedicated to their relationship. Both of them enjoy taking care of their partners and comforting them and therefore, they can have an ideally harmonious relationship.

Since ISFP and ISFJ are Feeling personalities, they tend to express their emotions and feel empathy towards their partner. Besides, both of them are very practical and hate everything that’s abstract. Therefore, instead of just saying “I love you”, they actually express what they feel. 

The main difference between them is that ISFJs are judging personality, meaning that they usually prefer estimating the situation totally and don’t act impulsively. ISFPs, on the other hand, are perceiving and the first impression plays a major role in their lives. However, this difference is not a very negative factor in their relationship. 

One more important thing about their relationship is that ISFPs prefer to act according to their aims and needs, while ISFJs are more focused on others. As a result, they sometimes think that ISFPs are rather selfish, while ISFPs think of their ISFJ partners as attention-seekers. However, none of these is absolutely true and they can easily find out that, once they understand their partners’ personalities more deeply. 

ISFJ vs ISFP: Key Differences

Just like every personality type from the Myers-Briggs inventory, ISFJ and ISFP are different from each other in plenty of things. As we already mentioned, they differ with one major personality trait (Judging – Perceiving). But besides, plenty of other characteristics that make them unique. Let’s explore the major values, romantic attitudes, and leadership styles of ISFJ vs ISFP. 

Values and Visions

  • ISFJs value harmony in life. That’s why they are trying their best to help others maintain balance in life and solve their problems. As a result, sometimes they are more focused on other people’s desires than their own. Relationships are very important as well for ISFJs. They try to find the right people in their life and maintain long-term relationships.
  • Harmony is an important value for ISFJs as well. Usually, they are driven by a sense of keeping freedom for themselves and others. ISFJs are unique and creative people with individual beliefs. However, they are very practical as well and have the power to balance their creativity and dreams with a realistic vision of life. They are open to new experiences and want to explore the world as much as possible. ISFPs prefer individuality over traditions. 


  • ISFJs are perfect partners but they don’t fall in love very easily. They spend a lot of time finding out all the characteristics of their possible partners because they value long-term relationships and prefer to find the right person and invest all their energy in this relationship. They are very loyal, dedicated, and will do everything to please their partner.
  • Unlike ISFJs, ISFPs prefer to have easy-going relationships and avoid traditional ones. They are very empathetic and can easily perceive others’ emotions and needs. They love to express affection not only with words but practically as well. ISFPs always try to make sure that their partners feel absolutely comfortable with them. However, they are rather impulsive and can end relationships quickly. 

Leadership and Supervision

  • ISFJs have all the personality traits that are needed for perfect leadership. They are very organized, can focus on details, and have great task-management skills. Besides, they are concerned about others’ performance as well and try to help them to achieve their goals.
  • ISFPs are compassionate leaders. They can listen to the members of the group and consider their vision before making a decision. They usually think of every important aspect of matter before they react, try to predict the future consequences, and always help those in need. 

Bottom Line

The last thing we can say about ISFJ vs ISFP is that they have more differences than similarities. Although they share introversion, observation, and feeling traits, it’s hard to say that they are absolutely a perfect match. Different visions about traditions and certain aspects of life can be harmful to their relationship. However, every person is unique which means that overcoming this difficulty is possible.

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