ISFJ Memes

ISFJ Memes – 23 Funniest In 2022

ISFJs or the Protectors are very kind-hearted, passionate, and empathetic people who are widely appreciated by most people around them. But when it comes to their humor, general opinions differ. Some people think that they just can’t be hilarious. Communicating with them is very pleasant but humor isn’t something natural to them. On the contrary, others believe that ISFJs have an amazing sense of humor and it’s just that average people don’t understand their dark or sarcastic jokes which we look at now in these ISFJ memes.

Indeed, people rarely understand their sarcastic remarks but instead of enjoying the fact, ISFJs worry about it and feel awkward. This can be one of the reasons why they don’t often try to make people laugh when they are in social situations. They can easily follow others when they try to cheer people up but they never try to initiate such a situation in order to avoid feeling embarrassed or uncomfortable. Even more, sometimes they refuse to appear in social situations for all because of the same reason. 

But the problem is that they are unable to say “no”. ISFJs are easily convinced that they will have a party or a friendly gathering but if they decide to go to that event, most times they end up feeling emotionally exhausted. The reason is that their effort to entertain people requires a lot of energy. Besides, they always try to avoid hurting people or making them feel offended which is not an easy task as well. In this article, we will discuss ISFJs’ humor and take a look at ISFJ memes to explore this personality better. 

ISFJ Humor – How Amusing They Can Be

ISFJs’ humor is a bit complicated. Usually, people either think they have very dark, sarcastic humor or lack a sense of humor at all. But you should know that neither of these is completely true. Actually, they just have a bit of different humor from average people. You may not see the sarcasm in their jokes but it doesn’t mean that no one can and it’s not really funny. Even if people don’t really understand their sarcastic jokes, ISFJs have a natural ability to make people laugh out loud by doing silly and stupid things. They enjoy acting in a childish way in front of their loved ones and make them smile in that way. 

At a first glance, ISFJs’ humor often makes people think that they are extroverts. Indeed, ISFJs can effectively communicate with people and talk about various topics during hours but it doesn’t mean that they feel comfortable. In fact, once they go home, they lay down and try to refill their energy. That’s one of the hardest things for introverts that try to socialize. They want to be around people and stay in touch with their friends but all those things require plenty of effort and energy for them. Therefore, even if they joke around people and have fun in social situations, it doesn’t mean that they are absolutely comfortable.

ISFJs easily notice when people have a great sense of humor. They enjoy laughing at others’ jokes but they rarely initiate joking themselves. But making people laugh by doing silly things is their specialty. As a result, people who know ISFJs very well, understand how fun and playful personalities they have. But others believe that ISFJs are boring. So, try to get to know these people first and make conclusions about their humor only afterwards. 

Funniest ISFJ Memes

People often think that ISFJs are boring which makes them emotional. And that’s what most ISFJ memes are about. But people you make fun of people with this personality, be careful because their sadness can easily transform into anger and suddenly, you can be surrounded with a lot of troubles! Actually, ISFJs are not boring. They are extremely intelligent and have great ways of revenge as well. 

Besides, ISFJs are resistant to changes. They are extremely uncomfortable when their plans change and something unexpected happens. But since it’s a part of their everyday lives, they tend to be pessimistic about their future. In order to avoid uncomfortable feelings, they often avoid social situations only to worry about their lonely lives and lack of social connections later. Let’s take a look at ISFJ memes and explore their sense of humor. 

ISTJ memes
They can have fun but not in front of extra people!
ISTJ memes
It seems like ISFJs enjoy suffering sometimes…
ISTJ memes
They can defeat EVERYONE!
ISTJ memes
Yes, they are more dramatic than you think.
ISTJ memes
This one’s our favorite!
ISTJ memes
ISTJ memes
ISTJ memes
ISTJ memes
They just can’t say “no”, even if they need to.
ISTJ memes
ISTJ memes
And they need a looot of energy to socialize!
ISTJ memes
ISTJ memes
ISTJ memes
ISTJ memes
They easily manipulate people.
ISTJ memes
Are they bipolar? At least, that’s what their personality looks like sometimes.
ISTJ memes
Are they really that boring?
ISTJ memes
ISTJ memes
ISTJ memes
ISTJ memes
ISTJ memes
They want to be able to socialize without all that effort, but they just can’t…
ISTJ memes

Importance of ISFJ Memes

Unlike some MBTI personalities, ISFJs have a neutral attitude towards memes. Most people either adore looking at memes and believe that memes are an amazing way to cheer up and have fun, or hate memes and consider them as a waste of time. ISFJs don’t really care. When they feel sad, a great meme can make them laugh or even burst into tears but when they are in a good mood, they just don’t have time for memes. 

Usually, if you ask them what they think about memes, they’ll probably answer that they don’t like memes because they prefer more practical, realistic things for entertainment. However, it completely depends on their mood. So, keep in mind that ISFJs may hide it from people but actually, when they are alone before they go to bed, they spend plenty of time searching for memes and smiling quietly at these funny pictures. But sending memes for their loved ones in order to make them happy isn’t really likely for ISFJs, especially ISFJ memes. 

Bottom Line

To conclude, ISFJs are not boring but they also don’t have exceptionally good humor. They are intelligent, warm-hearted people who take care of others and try to make them laugh. But not all of their efforts are successful. Sometimes their jokes tend to be amusing but other times they are extremely sarcastic and sometimes even offending. As a result, ISFJs are not considered very playful or funny people but saying that they don’t have humor at all would be an understatement. 

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