INTJ Memes

INTJ Memes

INTJs are widely known as highly analytical, logical, and practical people who make decisions based on rational thoughts instead of feelings. Many people believe that memes, humor, jokes, and comedy have nothing to do with their everyday lives but actually, they are wrong. Even if INTJs don’t spend all day scrolling down social media and…

ISTP Memes

ISTP Memes

ISTPs are results-oriented, hard-working people who are often referred to as one of the most serious-minded personalities from the 16 types of MBTI. People with this personality type enjoy being alone and stand out with their completely independent nature. Due to the fact that they spend the most time alone, people rarely understand their sense…

ISFJ Memes

ISFJ Memes – 23 Funniest In 2022

ISFJs or the Protectors are very kind-hearted, passionate, and empathetic people who are widely appreciated by most people around them. But when it comes to their humor, general opinions differ. Some people think that they just can’t be hilarious. Communicating with them is very pleasant but humor isn’t something natural to them. On the contrary,…

INFP Memes

INFP Memes – 20 Funniest Memes 2022

The most obvious characteristic of INFP personality is their sensitivity. INFPs have a Feeling (F) nature and consequently, take everything personally. They are widely known as cry babies because they can burst into tears even on something that won’t make sense to any other personality. Considering this, most INFP memes are about their sensitivity and…

INFJ Memes

INFJ Memes

If you’re into MBTI and its principles, you’re probably aware of the fact that INFJ is the rarest personality of the 16 types. Therefore, you won’t be surprised after hearing that people with this personality type tend to be quite unique and original. INFJs’ personality characteristics such as being awkward, sensitive, idealist, and compassionate are…

ESTP Memes

ESTP Memes

People with ESTP personalities are widely known for their decent sense of humor. They have straightforward, active humor, and therefore, their funny stories usually make people smile. ESTPs are very energetic people and their charisma is obvious in their actions. Generally, they don’t like being around serious-minded people who lack a sense of humor because…

INTP Memes

INTP Memes

While most Extroverted (E) MBTI personality types tend to have a rather great sense of humor, things are much more different with Introverts (I). Unlike extroverts who enjoy interacting with people and receiving attention, introverts prefer to stay at home on their own and maybe even spend the entire day alone. Therefore, people with the…

ESTJ Memes

ESTJ Memes

ESTJ isn’t considered a very funny personality compared to other MBTI types. Indeed, at a first glance, ESTJs are completely intelligent people, focused on their work and having realistic goals. They have strong management skills and don’t like when people make fun of everything which is probably the main reason why they are considered as…