ENFP Memes

ENFP Memes

Not all extroverted personality types from MBTI tend to have a great sense of humor. But certainly, that can’t be said about ENFPs. People with this personality type tend to have active, easy-to-understand humor. Their jokes are related to most people and as a result, they are considered great entertainers. 

ENFPs’ humor resembles their personality characteristics. They are Extraverted (E) and adore communicating with people; they are Intuitive (N), always in search of deeper meaning in things; they are Feeling (F) which means they take care of other people’s emotional state and act empathetically and also, they are Perceiving (P), meaning that they make decisions without hesitation and act impulsively. Considering their personality traits, ENFPs are very optimistic people with a strong excitement about telling puns, creating jokes, and making people happy. Even if they tease someone with their jokes, what they tried initially was to show affection and make them laugh. 

Although they enjoy average jokes and memes, sometimes ENFPs put deeper meanings in their puns, use subtexts, and make dark jokes. However, usually, they try to joke about widely known things in order to make people laugh and amuse themselves as well. In this article, we’re going to focus on the most hilarious ENFP memes on the internet today and see what ENFPs look like when they use humor and make jokes. 

ENFP Humor – How Playful They Are?

When people are talking about average funny people, usually they mean someone capable of making fun even of the most boring situations and entertaining people with their simple, relating and amusing jokes. That’s exactly what ENFPs’ humor looks like. They are easy-going,  optimistic people with playful personalities. ENFPs love to make people laugh. They care about others’ feelings and want to make people happy when they feel down. As a result, even if they’re in a bad mood themselves, they will always try to tell you hilarious puns or jokes in order to increase your mood and make you feel better.

Dark humor is also an integral part of their sense of humor. Sometimes when ENFPs have significant problems, they use dark humor in order to cope with the issues. During these times, they make jokes about themselves, things that bother them, and their problems which really helps them to overcome the difficulties. However, they never make fun of other people in order to feel better. Teasing people and offending them isn’t natural for ENFPs. Therefore, if you didn’t like any of their jokes and think that they want to humiliate you, chances are high that they actually just wanted to make you smile and the joke didn’t work.

When it comes to humor, people often wonder which personality types tend to use sarcasm in their everyday life. Satire or irony isn’t something natural for ENFPs kind-hearted nature. So, if they use sarcasm in front of you, they are probably furious and it’s their way of coping with their emotional state. Otherwise, they use mild humor and simple jokes that seem funny for most people. They can make jokes immediately, without thinking twice about the situation. Consequently, ENFPs are considered funny and spontaneous people with a great sense of humor. 

Funniest ENFP Memes

Did you know that people believe ENFPs are a little bit insane? Actually, that’s what most ENFP memes are about. These people have a constantly fluctuating mood, meaning that sometimes they are extremely happy and make amazing jokes, while other times they can look like the saddest people in the world. It’s like they are a representation of bipolar disorder! Usually, they are very spontaneous, make decisions faster than you can imagine, and tend to be very childish most times. And while they have Extraverted (E) traits, many people still can’t understand whether they are extroverts, introverts, or something in between. Let’s take a look at the best ENFP memes! 

ENFP memes
They enjoy complaining about everything.
ENFP memes
ENFP memes
It’s hard to find a silent ENFP. If you can’t accept over-communication, just try to say away from them.
ENFP memes
Indeed, they are more confident than you can possibly imagine!
ENFP memes
You can never really understand whether they are extroverts or not. But they’re definitely not introverts!
ENFP memes
They are far from being boring…
ENFP memes
Remember what we were saying about their confidence?
ENFP memes
Some people think they never grow up…
ENFP memes
Are they bipolar?
ENFP memes
And again…
ENFP memes
Childish habits again.
ENFP memes
ENFP memes
ENFP memes
ENFP memes
ENFP memes
It’s hard to keep pace with ENFPs.
ENFP memes
ENFP memes
We’re sorry if you’ve encountered a sad ENFP…
ENFP memes
Calm down, not everybody is such a talkative.
ENFP memes
ENFP memes
ENFP memes
And the last one, our favorite!

Importance of Memes for ENFPs

ENFPs spend hours every day searching for great memes or making some. They enjoy great memes and often scroll down social media in order to find something hilarious and burst into laughter. However, frequently used memes can quickly make them bored. That’s why they are always in search of something unique and remarkable, different from average memes on Facebook, Instagram, or other social media platforms. Unlike many people who enjoy saving memes on their phones or computers, ENFPs don’t stick to the same memes. They like diversity and accordingly, they forget about the certain meme after sending them to somebody else. 

Other kinds of jokes, such as puns are more amusing for them than just simple memes. Still, ENFPs believe that memes are important to have a great laugh and people with a good sense of humor should be able to create inspiring memes. We don’t know whether all those ENFP memes are created by ENFP people or not, but one thing is for sure – ENFPs can easily laugh about themselves as well as other people and that’s why they enjoy common memes about their personality type. 

Bottom Line

To summarize, ENFPs are positive people with a great sense of humor and deviation to entertain people in all situations. They have a rare quality of making even the toughest situations look hilarious and increase people’s moods in minutes. That’s why they are admired by most MBTI types. Their optimism and unique way of expressing their sense of humor make people feel better. So, try to reach out to ENFPs if you want to have a good laugh! 

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