

Gemini Personality As a Gemini, you engage with the world as if you are in conversation with it. You are an expert curator of experiences, constantly wondering and wandering from adventure to adventure. Life is playful for you — and at times very moody. You don’t always enjoy the game you are in, but you…



Taurus Personality The Taurus personality is like a flower bud ready to bloom, allowing yourself to be coaxed out slowly over time when the conditions are just right. Your commitment to living a life of beauty and pleasure draws you towards experiences and materials that speak to the pleasure centers in your mind.  You are…



Aries Personality You are the fearless Aries, moving through life with a sense of adventure and exploration. Your sign is symbolized by the ram, which is headstrong energy that is not afraid to pursue your desires. You get excited about things quickly and put everything you have into getting what you want.  You have an…



Sagittarius Personality Your Sagittarius soul bursts into life with enough passion and optimism to win any battle. You were born under a zodiac sign that goes all-in. You fully commit to the journey you are on and the obstacles encountered along the way. There is a side of you that enjoys the risk in taking…



Scorpio Personality Scorpio is both sensitive and hard energy. You are fierce in one manifestation of your personality and emotionally soft in another. In general, you accept who you are in all of your shadows, light, and the spaces in between. You really think about things and have an investigative mindset, desiring to know, understand,…



Libra Personality The Libra soul approaches the world through an intellectual and reasoning mindset. You take into account the information that is presented, making sound decisions rooted in facts and data. At your core, is a desire for all things to be comfortable, relaxed, and enjoyable for everyone.  Your appreciation for beauty and refinement brings…



Pisces Personality The receptive energy of the Pisces is the most malleable and open of the signs. You tend to have soft edges and frayed boundaries, making you naturally empathic and vulnerable to absorbing the energies of those around you.  Your still nature means others flow into and around you, making it hard for you…



Aquarius Personality The Aquarius soul is a disruptor of the status quo. Your zodiac sign symbolizes the power and control of authority and the changes that come with revolution. This energy can be seen in the way you live your life, express yourself, or the work that you do. Aquarius individuals are often very intelligent,…



Capricorn Personality Capricorn is a sign that signifies growth and breaking free from restraint in life, both societal and self-imposed. The eccentric soul at the heart of your sign is coaxed out over time. Things in life seem to happen slower for you than others, and your path often has more than a few obstacles…



Virgo Personality Virgo is the part of the zodiac that helps discern, categorize, and make sense of things in the material and physical realm. Your sign has spiritual energy to it that is often seen in the way of spiritual service or work that you do in the world. You tend to be very giving…