

  • Ruling Planet: Pluto and Mars
  • Element: Water
  • Phrase: I Desire
  • Colors: Silver, black, red 
  • Modality: Fixed (stable, determined)
  • Love Compatibility: Cancer, Taurus, Pisces, Aries, Capricorn 
  • Friend Compatibility: Leo, Aquarius, Aries, Capricorn, Scorpio
  • Symbol: The Scorpion
  • Polarity: Receptive
  • Medical astrology: Sex organs
  • Zodiacal House: 8th house of transformation
  • Season: Fall
  • Keywords: Negotiating, deep, investigative, mysterious, transformative, thinking, passionate, intensity, reaching, feeling, empathic, seeking, perceptive, power, sensuality, knowing, psychic 


Scorpio Personality

Scorpio is both sensitive and hard energy. You are fierce in one manifestation of your personality and emotionally soft in another. In general, you accept who you are in all of your shadows, light, and the spaces in between. You really think about things and have an investigative mindset, desiring to know, understand, and seek through your life experiences. 

You are ruled by two planets, Mars and Pluto. The combination of these planets forms a veil of intensity and mystery over your personality. You tend to seek out situations that allow you to transform on a deep cellular level and sometimes feel like you are learning things the hard way. 

Your penchant for crisis and theatrics often draw you towards situations in your adult life that are flavored with an interplay between power and control. You are learning how to release, let go of, and integrate the meaning in the experiences you have into renewed and regenerated forms of being yourself. 

Moving into a deeper relationship with others takes time, and you don’t tend to rush into things unless your instincts are really guiding you to do this. More often, you prefer to keep some aspects of your life or personality to yourself and reveal them after some time. A reputation for mystery or secrecy tends to be the result of this personality trait. 

You are not afraid to ask tough questions and desire to know the truth without needing to make things sound nice or pretty — although you would prefer for things to be this way if that is what is true. Your ability to negotiate your way through situations and navigate difficulties often builds up a tough outer skin, but deep inside you are an emotional softie and heart-centered soul. 

Scorpio in love

Scorpio Zodiac Sign

Falling in love as a Scorpio can be an intense experience. You seek to go deep with people and approach things with general caution. You prefer to make sure the person is worth your efforts. As a water sign, you represent still waters that run deep, you are passionate, and tend to be a powerhouse of a person, only revealing these sides of yourself to lovers once you feel like opening up. 

You are emotional and particular within your partnerships, preferring to assert your boundaries and expectations from the beginning — but also willing to negotiate and adjust as time passes. As a sign in the fixed modality group (along with Taurus, Leo, and Aquarius), you tend to be consistent and prefer consistency from partners as well. 

Relationships for you take on great importance at all levels including physical, emotional, intellectual, and even financial. All factors can play a key role in how you relate and decide to settle with someone in long-term partnerships. 

Fierce loyalty is your typical mode of operation when it comes to dating and in deepening a connection with someone. You tend to like the feeling of intense emotional and physical bonding. Balancing power, control, and compromise are themes you may bump up against in your love life. 

Your symbol is the Scorpion, which stings when threatened — your approach to love can take on this tone as well. You are sensitive and when you have been crossed, you can have a strong response in return for those who have wounded you.

Unfolding your true self around another takes time and you have the patience to wait until you feel comfortable doing so. You bring a steady sense of sensuality and a sexual spark that helps you get closer and more emotionally familiar with lovers over time. 

Scorpio Career + Money

Possible Careers: Public health professional, epidemiologist, medical professional, surgeon, tattoo artist, investigator, detective, lawyer, healer, tarot reader, medium, medic, crisis worker, mental health worker, psychiatrist, psychologist, nurse, historian, researcher, chemist, scientist, alchemist, astrologer

The mind of a Scorpio is an excellent puzzle solver; you know how to crack the code of life’s mysteries. This often draws you towards careers that allow you to investigate and figure things out. You mechanically and energetically can take things apart and build them back up piece by piece in a cohesive, well-researched narrative. Work in mental health, psychiatry, and psychology generally resonates with your energy. 

As a sign ruled by Mars, your zodiac is associated with sharp objects such as knives and needles and the intensity that can go along with these items. Professions including a surgeon, tattoo artist, piercer, scientist, crisis worker, or surgical nurse to name a few align well with this vibration. You also do well under pressure and in the event of an emergency, making you well suited to jobs that require this ability. 

Your sign also has natural access to the occult and metaphysical mysteries of the universe. If these are things that interest you, then you may carve out your own career path as a tarot reader, astrologer, alchemist, psychic, or medium for example. Your intensity coupled with your desire to help people can lead you into many different career paths that allow you to employ your healing skills and abilities. 

Scorpio Psyche + Life Path

Scorpio Constellation Map

Your path as a Scorpio is to excavate emotional depths in yourself and others. You have the innate ability to reach into the unseen and the mysterious. Your spirit can sit with the shadows and understand them, then use the wisdom gleaned to bring healing and wholeness to your communities. 

You are generally a very private person, but when you find a group of people you feel comfortable around or gain confidence in your life, you can share your gifts with more ease. Scorpio has an affinity with the cycles of life and nature, and you understand deeply how these interplay within reality and existence. 

The path you are on will be one only you can travel. There is something very unique in the way you uncover your truth. Your journey may not always be easy, but it is soulful, powerful, and deeply meaningful.

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