

  • Ruling Planet: The Moon
  • Element: Water
  • Phrase: I Feel 
  • Colors: Pearl, blue, shell pink, navy, coral
  • Modality: Cardinal (initiating, leading)
  • Love Compatibility: Capricorn, Scorpio, Pisces, Taurus, Virgo
  • Friend Compatibility: Aries, Cancer, Capricorn, Gemini
  • Symbol: The Crab
  • Polarity: Receptive
  • Medical astrology: Breasts and stomach
  • Zodiacal House: 4th house of home
  • Season: Summer
  • Keywords: Empathic, caring, intuitive, anxious, kind, nurturing, fierce, protective, emotional, sensing, feeling, musical, loving, smothering, future-minded, understanding, passionate 


Cancer Personality

As a Cancer, your personality shifts dependent on how things are feeling in the world around you. You tend to be highly sensitive to your own fluctuating moods and the sensation of your environment. 

How you feel about life can change daily for you, with things settling and unsettling between states of security and insecurity. This gives you keen insight into the role emotions play and allows you to embody a high level of emotional intelligence. 

You are ruled by the Moon, which is associated with intuition, mystery, and the public. You often feel yourself interacting with the world from your heart and less so from your intellect. Cancer often has many friends, but burns out easily and needs a lot of time to themselves to recharge. 

Because of your nurturing and caring energy, many people are drawn to being around you. If you give in to people-pleasing tendencies, you can deplete your own energy stores very quickly. Having space to retreat into your secure and comfortable home situation allows you to nourish yourself from the inside out. 

Finding a balance between external involvement in the world and self-care can bring improvement to multiple areas of your life. You are a very kind sign, with a fiercely protective side if necessary. The relationships you build in life are deeply important to you and you do what you can to bring acceptance and love into your connections in order for them to last a lifetime. 

Having your crew of people around is essential to you and gives you the sense of security and safety that your sign craves. Your symbol is the crab with a soft inner core; you are able to share this side of yourself with those you feel at ease around to reveal your emotional and spiritual depth. 

Cancer in Love

Cancer Zodiac

Cancer loves to be in love. You feel best in your life when you have a romantic partner and do what you can to direct relationships into a space of security and mutual understanding. Sharing emotionally happens very quickly for you along with a sexual relationship as well. As a water sign, you tend towards passionate and physical connections that also feed your soul. 

Relating to others happens quickly and you fall in love hard and fast. When you like someone, all of your emotional self comes pouring out and you generally desire to have a sense of loyalty or commitment from the people you are dating. A lot of reassurance makes you happy along with compliments and people doing nice things for you, as you will be doing these things for the people you care about as well. 

Due to your desire to be in relationships, you may get into partnerships that are not energetically right for you. Learning to recognize when someone is a compatible fit or not is a part of you learning to trust yourself and your intuition. You will know deep down what situations are the right match for you or not. 

Once in a long-term commitment, you generally like to do things that create a sense of nesting. Building a life together, cooking meals, and other home-like activities make you feel content and satisfied with your partners. You thrive within the context of a long-term partnership, which allows you to explore who you are and pursue your dreams and other relationships once the stability of a relationship is found. 

Cancer Career + Money

Possible Careers: Caregiving, home-health, food service, chef, restaurant or cafe owner, psychic, artifacts collector, musician, child care, social worker, advocacy, counseling, politician, actor, bartender, librarian, soap-maker

Your sign is associated with the 4th house of the zodiacal wheel. This area of the chart is symbolic of roots, foundation, and ancestry — which demonstrates your link with traditional, folk, and home-like activities. Careers that allow you to work from home or make your own products from home are ideal. Your creativity tends to serve you best when you are making useful and well-crafted items that can help, heal, and soothe others. 

Your sign is very good at integrating the past into the present and reflecting on events that have since passed, making you a good counselor or therapist. You use your inner wisdom and sensitivity to help support and advocate for others. Careers that involve helping such as social work, advocacy, childcare, and caregiving are often fields you are drawn towards. 

As a water sign, you are also pulled into work that is centered around nourishment through food and drink. Careers in which you can make the food or serve the food or own the establishment tend to occur for people born under your sign. You do take on leadership roles when they suit you and your natural ability to care for others can be translated into management, politics, and similar roles. 

Your emotional awareness makes you a great actor as you can access all of these different layers of yourself with genuine authenticity. Finally, you are a collector of material things and information. You enjoy the quiet solitude of a library, the magic of researching, collecting, and organizing items may appeal to you. 

Financial security is important to you, and you will do what you can to make sure you are all set when it comes to money. This doesn’t mean you will always go for careers that pay well, but it does mean you will try your best to have a nest egg or rainy day fund set aside for just in case moments. 

Cancer Psyche + Life Path

Cancer Constellation Map

You are naturally very sensitive to fluctuating moods and energies, meaning you are very intuitive and sometimes even psychic. Your life path often involves work that integrates your insights into the work or things you are doing. Anything you put your efforts into will have a piece of your spiritual energy and essence. 

As a person who is sensitive, you are able to invest the non-linear aspects of being into your life path. When you follow your intuition there is almost nothing you cannot accomplish that you set out to do. As you move throughout your life, you are learning to manage what it means to deeply relate to others through vulnerability. 

You are very capable and your reassuring presence is a gift to others and spreads more kindness, compassion, and nurturing into the world. You live through the heart, and even things don’t always make sense or happen in the exact timeframe or the clearest way for you, your energy is a gift to those who are lucky enough to be in a relationship with you in any context. 

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